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Trinity Care Family Practice is committed to provide high quality and comprehensive medical care to patients. We operate by appointment only.

Please book your appointments according to your needs.

Standard consultations: Last up to 15 minutes only (1 to 2 issues).

Long Consultations: If you need more time to discuss your health concerns with your Doctor (more than 2 issues), please arrange a long consultation when booking your appointment. Cervical Screening Tests, Childhood Immunisations, Care Plans and Employment Medicals generally require long consultations.

Urgent Appointments: Please advise Reception if you believe you require an urgent appointment.

All patients should present to Reception with their current Medicare Card and Health Care Card.

At times you may experience a waiting period due to Doctors tending to urgent or complex medical issues. We apologise for any inconvenience.

Please inform us as early as possible if you are unable to keep your appointment. A non-attendance fee may apply if you do not provide adequate notice. Repeated failure to attend may incur a fee before you are able to make further appointments.

Strong pain killers including opiates and benzodiazepines will NOT be prescribed to new patients.

After Hours Healthcare is provided by the National Home Doctor Service on 13 74 25 for emergency home visits, outside of our opening hours.

You can also attend the emergency department at your nearest hospital.

In case of an emergency, please dial 000 for an ambulance.

Where a GP determines that this is clinically safe and that a face-to-face consultation is unnecessary for a patient, our practice provides patients with timely advice or information related to their clinical care by telephone and electronic means.

All telephone calls for Doctors will be relayed through reception staff via message and the Doctor will return your call at their earliest convenience. Consultations will not be interrupted unless in the event of an emergency.

In the interest of good patient care, we ask that you make an appointment to discuss your health or that of your family member.

Our practice uses SMS reminders. Our doctors are committed to preventative healthcare and as such we may issue you with reminders and recall letters appropriate to your care. If you do not wish to be a part of this SMS system, please advise your doctor.

It is our policy that we do not communicate with our patients via email. To provide the best care to our patients, we do not answer clinical questions by email. To comply with the RACGP Accreditation Standards, Trinity Care Family Practice will not accept any correspondence electronically (i.e. via email, SMS, social media) from patients, relatives, friends of patients, medical providers, insurance companies etc requiring medical advice. If medical advice is required, please call 08 8166 2499 to make an appointment.

If there is a emergency, please dial 000.

Patients often have the perception “It is just a repeat script! Why do I need an appointment?”. To provide good medical care, it is important for your doctor to review your medication even if your condition is stable. It is our practice policy that repeat prescriptions require an appointment with your doctor. We do ask you to check your medication regularly and contact the practice at least 2 weeks before your script runs out.

Please note: under some circumstances, scripts will not be written if the requested medication has not been previously prescribed by our Practice.

Referral renewals require an appointment with your doctor. This provides you and your doctor an opportunity to review your health conditions. It is important for your doctor to provide updated medical information and allergies to your specialists and other health care providers to comply with Medicare requirements.

Please book a referral renewal appointment with a doctor at our practice as soon as possible before your appointment with your specialists.

It is unlawful for your doctor to backdate a referral in accordance to Health Insurance Regulation 1975, hence a request to backdate a referral will not be accepted.

All test results require an appointment with your doctor. Please make a follow up appointment with your doctor at the end of your consultation. Test results cannot be given over the phone by our reception staff. It is our practice policy that only a Doctor is permitted to release results.

If you have not returned to discuss your test results, your doctor may send you an SMS reminder via HotDoc secure messaging to request you to make an appointment. Please click on the link when you receive a HotDoc SMS reminder.

For any urgent test results, a staff member will contact you directly. Please ensure we have your updated contact details.

Our Doctors and staff endeavour to provide a comprehensive, high quality service for our patients. If you have any feedback, suggestions or concerns with any aspect of our care, please discuss this with your Doctor or our reception staff.

If you are not satisfied or your complaint cannot be resolved within the practice, you may wish to contact the:

Health & Community Services Complaints Commissioner

Level 4 East, 50 Grenfell Street
Adelaide SA 5000

Phone : 08 8226 8666

Web :

Send us your Feedback/Suggestions

The introduction of new privacy laws became effective in Australia on 12th March 2014. The changes include a new set of Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) that will regulate the handling of personal information by all private health service providers.

All medical records and communications concerning patients are kept strictly confidential and are only available to your treating Doctor.

Your medical information is password protected. Access to our computer is not available from organisations outside the practice. Patient information is not provided to an outside body (e.g. for reports or insurance purposes) without prior written consent by the patient.

Written consent will be gained from each patient should we ever be involved in any research or similar program.

The Act allows patients to access the content of their medical record by arrangement with the practice.

A copy of our full privacy policy is available to you upon request.

Trinity Care Family Practice is a private billing practice.

Fees vary according to the length and complexity of the consultation and are determined by individual doctors.

Payment is required in full on the day of consultation and can be made by Cash, EFTPOS and Credit Card (VISA & MasterCard Only, no AMEX).

The Practice has facilities to enable immediate refund of Medicare Rebates.

Children under 16 years of age and patients who hold a valid Centrelink issued Pension Card will be bulk billed Monday to Friday. Patients are required to bring and show their latest concession cards to be bulk billed.

Fees Schedule – PRIVATE

WEEKDAYS Full Fee Medicare Rebate Gap
Standard Consult $92.00 $42.85 $49.15
Long Consult $144.00 $82.90 $61.10
Extended Consult $198.00 $122.15 $75.85
Telehealth – Phone $92.00 $42.85 $49.15
Telehealth – Video $92.00 $42.85 $49.15


WEEKDAYS Full Fee Medicare Rebate Gap
Standard Consult $67.00 $42.85 $24.15
Long Consult $119.00 $82.90 $36.10
Extended Consult $170.00 $122.15 $47.85
Telehealth – Phone $67.00 $42.85 $24.15
Telehealth – Video $67.00 $42.85 $24.15

Please note that BULK BILLING IS NOT AVAILABLE on Saturdays or Afterhours on Weekdays.

SATURDAY & AFTER HOURS Full Fee Medicare Rebate Gap
Standard Consult $102.00 $42.85 $59.15
Long Consult $154.00 $82.90 $71.10

Wound Care: $15 – $20 (dependent on complexity)
Cryotherapy: $20

Related services such as excisions, implanon insertion & removal, mirena removal, ECG and spirometry may also require a gap payment. Please discuss the fee with the Doctor at the time of your consultation.

A non-attendance fee may apply if you do not provide adequate notice. Repeated failure to attend may incur a fee before you are able to make further appointments.


Private Patients

(Over 15 years, without Concession Card)


(Over 15 years, with a Health Care Card or Commonwealth Seniors Health Card)